Posibilă recuperare a pacientilor cu deficiențe motorii ce au suferit afectiuni neurologice?

18 Feb

Is it possible that the motor deficiencies that may occur from various type of accidents as: sports accidents, car accidents, deficiencies from births, etc., to be recovered?

In theory it can be possible to recover the topology of neural cortex but we should cancel the disabilities causes of physical damages?

I believe not.

Until we would be able to prove or to discard the evidences, we need to continue to  assume that this events may be possible.

In this regards, the CSHD device can be adapted to support the theory.

The experimental CSHD was built on beagle bone having Debian installed. The electronic part of CSHD is practically a system that communicate, analyses, take decision and sent all this info to a specific sensors.

The algorithm used a initial data set that can be adapted in order to obtain the best results.

The big advantage is the cost of recovery, which is zero, the time of recovery procedure which is 24/7, the AI (artificial intelligence) of device that learn and adapt it algorithms in order to maximize the results.

Feb 18, 2017, Constantin Costescu

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