Message to Samsung, Apple, Huawei and other mobile phone manufacturers

26 Nov

With dozens and hundreds of features that 95% of users will never use, you have actually forgotten that the phone, in the first place, must be a phone.

Thus, if I receive a call from the number that is set as forward to the number on the phone, this is not signaled (on some phones only 1.2 seconds after initiating the call).

What would it be like to signal this for the duration of the call so that it is known if the call is coming directly or forward?


Mesaj catre Samsung, Apple, Huawei si alti producatori de telefoane mobile.

Cu zeci si sute de facilitati pe care 95% din utilizatori nu le vor folosi niciodata, ati uitat de fapt ca telefonul, in primul rand, trebuie sa fie telefon.

Astfel, daca primesc un apel de pe numar ce este setat ca forward la numarul de pe telefon, acest lucru nu este semnalizat (la unele telefoane doar 1,2 secunde de la initierea apelului).

Cum ar fi sa semnalizati acest lucru pe doata durata apelului incat sa sa se stie daca apelul vine direct sau prin forward?

Constantin, 26.Nov.2020

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